Elizabeth Ist coat of arms

The Spanish Armada

Picture of The Spanish Armada

Picture of The Spanish Armada

The Elizabethan Age - The Spanish Armada

On Sunday 7th August 1588 the fleet of the Spanish Armada lay in the English Channel, close to the cliffs of Calais. The Spanish fleet intended to mount the invasion and conquest of England by the Catholic King Philip II of Spain.

The success of the Spanish Armada would mean that Queen Elizabeth, viewed as a Protestant heretic, would be deposed and people subjugated to Spanish rule and forcibly converted to Catholicism. The English were fighting for their lives, their freedom and their way of life.

The Spanish Armada
The Spanish Commander was the Duke of Medina Sidonia who led 19,000 fighting men. The English were led by Lord Charles Howard of Effingham the Lord High Admiral of England with men such as Lord Sheffield, Sir Richard Grenville, John Hawkins, Martin Frobisher and, of course, Francis Drake. These supremely important people and events have been detailed in the Spanish Armada section of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Ten Great Events in History, by James Johonnot.

The story of the English battle against the might of Spain and the Spanish Armada has been told in colorful detail under the following easy-to-read sections:

Spain before the Armada
Character and Policy of Philip II of Spain
England's Power to Resist the Spanish Armada
Sailing of the Spanish Armada
Waiting for the Spanish Armada
The Preliminary Skirmish with the Spanish Armada
The Progress of the Fight with the Spanish Armada
Brief Respite from Battle with the Spanish Armada
Fright and Flight of the Spanish Armada
Renewal of the Fight with the Spanish Armada
Defeat of the Spanish Armada

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