Elizabeth Ist coat of arms

Sir Francis Bacon

Picture of Sir Francis Bacon

Picture of Sir Francis Bacon

Short Biography of the life of Sir Francis Bacon - Statesman, Scientist, Historian and Cryptologist
The following biography information provides basic facts about the life Sir Francis Bacon:

  • Nationality - English
  • Lifespan - 1561-1626

  • Born: 22nd January 1561, York House, The Strand, London, England
  • Family estate and home - Gorhambury in Herfordshire
  • Married: Alice Barnham
  • Died: Sir Francis Bacon died on 9 April, 1626 of pneumonia contracted whilst testing his theory of the preservative and insulating properties of snow
  • Family connections of Sir Francis Bacon -  Father was Sir Nicholas Bacon, the Lord Keeper of the Seal, and Lady Anne Cooke an intellectual and daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, the tutor to the Tudor royal family. Lady Anne Cooke was also sister-in-law to Sir William Cecil (Lord Burghley)
  • Education - Tutored at home until the age of 12 when he entered Trinity College, Cambridge. Francis Bacon then studied law at Gray's Inn, London
  • Religion - Protestant
  • Career - Lawyer, Statesman, Scientist, Historian and Cryptologist
  • Titles - Lord Verulam, the Viscount St. Albans, and Lord Chancellor of England
  • Mysteries surrounding Francis Bacon : Rumors have constantly circulated about the parentage of Francis Bacon - it is said that his father was Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester and his mother was in fact Queen Elizabeth I. Francis Bacon is also a noted contender in the William Shakespeare Identity debate - he is believed by some to be the author of the plays accredited to William Shakespeare
  • Character of Sir Francis Bacon : Intelligent, Ambitious, Arrogant, Cold and Calculating

Short Biography, Timeline, Facts & History about the life of Sir Francis Bacon - Statesman, Scientist, Historian and Cryptologist
The following are additional facts and timeline about the bio, life and history of Sir Francis Bacon:

  • 1561: Francis Bacon was born on 22nd January 1561 at York House, The Strand, London, England
  • His father was Sir Nicholas Bacon, the Lord Keeper of the Seal, and Lady Anne Cooke an intellectual and daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, the tutor to the Tudor royal family. Lady Anne Cooke was also sister-in-law to Sir William Cecil (Lord Burghley)
  • 1573: Entered Trinity College, Cambridge at the age of 12
  • 1576: Studied Law at Grays Inn, London
  • 1577: Interrupted his studies to take up an appointment of an assistant to Sir Amias Paulet, the ambassador in France
  • 1582: Became a barrister
  • 1584: Took up his seat in parliament in the House of Commons 1584 for Melcombe in Dorset, and subsequently for Taunton (1586
  • 1586: Took up his seat in parliament for Taunton
  • 1588: Francis Bacon was named lecturer in legal studies at Gray’s Inn
  • 1592: Francis Bacon entered the service of Robert Devereux the Queen's favorite Earl of Essex
  • 1593: Openly criticised the new tax levy and offended Queen Elizabeth I in the process
  • 1594: Francis Bacon wrote “Gesta Gragorum”
  • 1596: Queen Elizabeth relented and appointed Francis Bacon as a member of her Extraordinary Counsel
  • 1597: Francis Bacon wrote “The Colours of Good and Evil”
  • 1601: He became one of the Prosecutors of the Earl of Essex, even though he had originally been one of his supporters
  • 1603: Queen Elizabeth dies on 24 March 1603 of of blood poisoning. James I of England, James VI of Scotland, is proclaimed King
  • 1603: He was knighted by the new King, King James the First
  • 1605: Francis Bacon wrote “The Advancement of Learning”
  • 1604: Appointed King’s Counsel
  • 1607: Appointed Solicitor General
  • 1608: Appointed Clerk of the notorious Star Chamber
  • 1613: Appointed Attorney General
  • 1616: Made a member of the Privy Council
  • 1617: Appointed Lord Keeper of the Royal Seal
  • 1617: 10 May 1617 Francis Bacon married Alice Barnham
  • 1618: Appointed Lord Chancellor
  • 1620: Francis Bacon wrote “Novum Organum”
  • 1621: Bestowed the titles of Lord Verulam of Verulam and then created Viscount St Albans
  • 1621 He was arrested and charged with bribery. After pleading guilty, he was heavily fined and sentenced to a prison term in the Tower of London. He was a disgraced and fallen man
  • 1622: Sir Francis Bacon wrote “Historia Naturalis et Experimentalis”. “History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh"
  • 1623: Sir Francis Bacon wrote "De Augmentis Scientarum"
  • 1624: Sir Francis Bacon wrote "Apothegms"
  • 1625: Sir Francis Bacon wrote “Slyva Sylvanum” (including New Atlantis)
  • 1626: Sir Francis Bacon died on 9 April, 1626 of pneumonia contracted whilst testing his theory of the preservative and insulating properties of snow
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