Elizabeth Ist coat of arms

Mary Queen of Scots

Picture of Mary Queen of Scots

Picture of Mary Queen of Scots

Short Biography of the life of Mary Queen of Scots
The following biography information provides basic facts about the life Mary Queen of Scots. The granddaughter of King Henry VII of England, the cousin of Queen Elizabeth I. She married the Dauphin and was Queen of France for a short period until he died of an ear infection.

Mary left France and took her place in Scotland as Mary Queen of Scots. A Catholic Queen for a fiercely Protestant country. She married Lord Darnley, a dissolute but handsome young man and bore his son who would become King James I of England. He was murdered. She was raped but then married Lord Bothwell. The Scottish Lords rebelled, Mary was deserted by Bothwell and imprisoned. She was forced to abdicate in favour of her baby son, James. Mary escaped Scottish imprisonment and fled across the border to England, the home of her English cousin Queen Elizabeth. Mary was placed under arrest - to leave her to roam free in England she would act as a rallying point to all Catholics and possibly led the country into Civil War. Mary swore that she was loyal to Elizabeth but was proved by the 'Casket letters' to be part of a conspiracy led by Babbington to overthrow Elizabeth. She was convicted of treason and brutally executed by beheading. Mary Queen of Scots led a life surrounded by violence and intrigue. An ill-fated, impulsive but beautiful woman and Queen.

Facts, Timeline & History about the life of Mary Queen of Scots
The following are additional facts and a timeline about the life and history of Mary Queen of Scots:

  • 8 December 1542- Mary Stuart is born at Linlithgow Palace
  • 1543 - Mary crowned Queen of Scots
  • 1548 - Mary Stuart is sent to France
  • 1554 - Mary of Guise, Mary Stuart's mother, is officially named Regent in Scotland
  • 24 April 1558 Fifteen-year-old Mary Stuart marries the 14-year-old Francis, dauphin of France
  • 1558 - Mary's father-in-law, King Henry II of France, quarters her arms with those of England
  • 1559 - Francis II and Mary Queen of Scots are crowned king and queen of France. Mary also claims the throne of England
  • 22 February 1560 - Treaty of Berwick between England and Scotland
  • June 11, 1560 - Mary of Guise dies in Scotland and Mary's husband, Francis, also passes away
  • August 19, 1561 - Return of Mary Stuart  ( Mary Queen of Scots ) to Scotland
  • July 15, 1562 - Elizabeth cancels a meeting with Mary, Queen of Scots because of Mary’s continued attacks of French Protestants - they never meet
  • 1563 - Mary Queen of Scots sends her secretary to Elizabeth claiming the right of succession
  • 1565 - The Lord Darnley marriage to Mary Queen of Scots - Mary marries her 19-year-old cousin Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley; aged 22
  • March 9, 1566 - The Murder of David Rizzio
  • June 19, 1566 - Mary Stuart's only child is born (James, later king of Scotland and England)
  • February 10, 1567 - Murder of Lord Darnley, husband of Mary Queen of Scots
  • Mary Queen of Scots marries James Hepburn, the 30-year-old Earl of Bothwell causing a rebellion
  • May 15, 1567 - Mary Queen of Scots imprisoned
  • July 24, 1567 - Mary abdicates and her baby son, James, becomes King James VI, King of Scotland - her illegitimate brother, the Earl of Murray acts as Protector
  • May 13, 1568 Mary of Scotland escapes from captivity, is defeated at Langside
  • The Flight to England - The Catholic Mary Queen of Scots is imprisoned by Elizabeth I at Fotheringay Castle
  • Oct 1, 1569 - Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk is imprisoned in the Tower for plotting to marry Mary, Queen of Scots
  • April 14, 1578  Mary Queen of Scot's third husband, the earl of Bothwell dies in a prison in Denmark
  • The Babington Plot - Sir Francis Walsingham discovers plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and replace her with Mary Queen of Scots. The leader of the plot was Anthony Babbington
  • July 1, 1586 - Treaty of Berwick - Queen Elizabeth and James VI of Scotland form a league of amity
  • Oct. 25, 1586 - Mary Queen of Scots is convicted of involvement in the Babbington plot
  • February 8, 1587 - Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
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