Elizabeth Ist coat of arms

Louis Joliet

Louis Joliet

"Louis Joliet"

Louis Joliet (aka Louis Jolliet) Short Biography of the life of Louis Joliet - Canadian Explorer

The following biography information provides basic facts about the life Louis Joliet:

  • Nationality - Canadian
  • Lifespan - 1645 - 1700

  • Family - Son of a wagon maker
  • Education - Well educated at a Jesuit school in Quebec
  • Career - Canadian Explorer
  • Famous for : exploring the Great Lakes area and discovering the Mississippi River

Facts, Timeline & History about the life of Louis Joliet - Canadian Explorer
The following are additional facts and a timeline about the life and history of Louis Joliet:

  • 1645 September 21:Louis Joliet was born in Quebec, Canada
  • Louis Joliet was the son of a wagon maker
  • Louis Joliet was well educated at a Jesuit school in Quebec but had an adventurous spirit and wanted to explore
  • Louis Joliet started his life as a fur trader with the Native Indians
  • 1669 - 1671: Louis Joliet then tries his hand at copper mining
  • 1672 October: Louis Joliet was commissioned by the French Governor of Quebec, Louis de Buade Frontenac (1620-1698), to join Father Jacques Marquette, a Jesuit priest, in an expedition exploring the Mississippi River
  • Joliet and Marquette make preparations for their expedition
  • 1673 May: A seven man expedition including Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet set off in birch bark canoes to the north shore of Lake Michigan to Green Bay, then up the Fox River
  • 1673 June: Louis Joliet and his party reach the Mississippi
  • Louis Joliet explored the Mississippi, meeting different Indian tribes
  • The expedition eventually realised that  Mississippi River did not lead to the Pacific Ocean but flowed into the Gulf of Mexico
  • Father Jacques Marquette drew a map of the country through which they passed and kept a diary of the voyage of exploration
  • The expedition were warned of hostile Indians ahead and there was also the possibility of being captured by the Spanish - so the party decided to turn back towards Quebec
  • 1674: The expedition led by Louis Joliet reached Lake Michigan where Father Jacques Marquette remained at the mission of Saint Francis Xavier at the head of Green Bay
  • 1674: Louis Joliet went on to Quebec
  • Louis Joliet had paddled 2500 miles in his exploration of the Mississippi
  • 1674 August: Louis Joliet arrived in Quebec
  • Louis Joliet reported the findings of the exploration of the Mississippi River to Governor Louis de Buade Frontenac
  • Louis Joliet was consulted in the Governor's plans to colonise the area of the Mississippi River as an extension of the lands of New France
  • 1675 October 7: Louis Joliet married Claire-Francoise Bissot (1656 - 1710). Louis and Claire-Francoise had one child, Jean-Baptiste Joliet
  • 1680: Louis Joliet was granted the Island of Anticosti by King Louis XIV of France as a reward for discovering the Mississippi River
  • The Island of Anticosti was situated right at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River and 8,000 square kilometres in size
  • Louis Joliet built a fort on the Island of Anticosti
  • 1690: The fort was captured by the English and his wife was taken prisoner whilst Louis Joliet was absent on explorations in Labrador and around Hudson Bay
  • His wife was released and the fort was recaptured
  • 1693: Louis Joliet was appointed royal hydrographer
  • 1694: Louis Jolliet made another expedition exploring the coast of Labrador and visiting the Eskimos
  • 1697 30 April: Louis Joliet was granted the seigniory (territory) of Joliet, south of Quebec, which is still in the possession of his descendants
  • 1700 May: Louis Joliet died on the Island of Anticosti in Canada
The Age of Exploration
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